Request for Proposals:

Innovative Partnerships Promoting College and Career Readiness in Maine


MaineSpark’s Future Success Alliance is pleased to announce the availability of “Innovative Partnerships Promoting College and Career Readiness in Maine” subgrants for programs and policies that improve student postsecondary success through innovation. These grants are designed to advance the capacity of groups and organizations working to improve opportunities for Maine students who are racially, socioeconomically or geographically underrepresented as they progress from high school to and/or through a post secondary program, career or both. These grants have been made possible thanks to the support of Educate Maine and the MELMAC Education Foundation.

The Alliance will award approximately 4 grants of $5,000 each, to fund activities over a 12- month period. Applicants should focus on supporting racially, socioeconomically or geographically underrepresented populations by incorporating one or more of the following priorities:

  • Increasing parent involvement in college and career readiness – projects that improve parental involvement in a program or programs that focus on postsecondary success.
  • Support school counseling innovation –support projects that increase the effectiveness of school counselors/school counseling teams to address barriers to underserved populations.
  • Increasing business engagement in college and career readiness –projects that increase the level of local business ownership over programs that support student college and career readiness with intention (e.g. internships, mentorship programs, career days, etc.).
  • Integration with other funding sources (if applicable)– projects will outline how they will integrate with other funding sources you may have.

We invite applications from public entities, such as state education agencies and local school districts, and 501(c)(3) organizations. Applicant organizations, and the work proposed in the application, must be Maine-based. Non tax-exempt organizations can only apply for a grant through a fiscal agent which is a 501 (c)(3) and which signs a fiscal sponsorship agreement as part of the application process. Examples of eligible applicants:

  • School Districts
  • Schools, Career & Technical Education Centers, and other formal district-based educational entities
  • Nonprofits and community-based organizations

A bidders’ conference call will occur on March 2nd at 10:00am. The full RFP can be viewed here.

Please email to receive call-in information or with any additional questions.