MaineSpark is powered by a coalition of organizations—schools and universities, nonprofits and foundations, government agencies and businesses—that have joined forces to connect Mainers with the services that support them on a path to education and career success. Join our efforts by adding your organization’s name to the growing list of supporters working to increase educational attainment in Maine.

How to begin working with MaineSpark:

Complete the newsletter signup in the footer below to receive monthly newsletters and other communications that will keep you up-to-date on the initiative.

Familiarize yourself and your team with the MaineSpark mission and goal via the MaineSpark fact sheet.

Sign the resolution to demonstrate your organization’s formal support of the MaineSpark goal. Email your completed resolution to connect@mainespark.me. Once your resolution has been processed, you’ll receive information about how to start publicly endorsing the MaineSpark goal—60% of Mainers will have education and workforce credentials of value by 2025—in your own materials and at your events.