Students with a CTE Experience


CURRENT: 9,164 / GOAL: 16,000

Where We Started




Last Update




Maine’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) schools and their educational and business partners offer credentials that qualify students for good-paying technical jobs in Maine. Rigorous CTE pathways prepare students to successfully pursue college degrees. CTE schools connect Maine youth to credentials of value that prepare them for career and college.
Through the MELMAC Education Foundation Systems Innovation Grant, Bath Regional Career and Technical Center (BRCTC) had the opportunity to implement a CTE Summer Bridge program this past summer. The program targeted incoming freshmen and sophomores in the region. This experience aims to expand and diversify the population of students who have a Career and Technical Education experience, while exposing students to career opportunities at a younger age. The CTE Summer Bridge offers a 50 hour hands on STEAM connected experience with the opportunity to immerse in two CTE programs over the course of two weeks. During the first year BRCTC offered Carpentry, Engineering, Culinary Arts, Welding, and Automotive programs. Students who successfully completed the program were awarded a half elective credit through their sending schools.